Magnum Force front ends

I truly sympathize. I had the misfortune of dealing with that guy years ago on a set of upper control arms. One of the arms was improperly made and I wanted a new set. He told me a line just like what you were told. I threw them in the garbage and have told everyone since what a liar and crook this Ron Jenkins guy is. If a guy will shaft one person, he'll do it to anyone, if the opportunity presents. I've always wished I could meet up with him some day with no witnesses around, and see what kind of smart mouth comments he'd make then. Many of the custom parts vendors are good people with good products that they stand behind, but there are a few like him that really make a person leery. Anyway, I hope you are able to sort out your problems satisfactorily. The Romans had it right from 2000 years ago; caveat emptor; let the buyer beware.