One wire lock-up, 4 spd automatic w overdrive into A-body.

The Reid bell housings have provisions for starter mounting on both sides of them. My 5.9 Magnum uses the one on the driver's side of the housing. The passenger side mount was in the way of my 90 degree oil filter adapter, which allows me to run the longer style filters. I like that, because there's more surface area for the filter media. I looked at it carefully and decided I could easily cut the whole passenger side starter mount off. Out came the Sawsall and in about 10 minutes it was gone. I'll clean up the cut so it looks decent and more importantly in that hard to see area, it will deburr any sharp edges.

I also had to make a decent sized hole to allow my crank position sensor to fit through the outer rim of the bell housing to read the rectangular cutouts on the tome ring ( flex plate for you carburetor running types). I used one of those hole saws that look a lot like the ones you use to cut out holes in doors to install door knobs, but it was a little smaller though. The drill bit inside the hole saw blade helped guide and the make the hole come out straight and the sensor fits very well now.

On a disturbing note, I had to pay $150 to have my K-member hot tanked by the only remaining real hot tank equipped place in our area. it seems all the machine shops have gone to those high pressure heated dish washer style cleaning systems. it's too bad they don't use a combination of both systems.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the aluminum I removed so my oil filter will fit again, the hole for the crank position sensor and a better shot of the passenger side header clearance next to the transmission someone asked for(Dart Vadr)

I need to do some serious vacuuming with the shop vac before I start trying to fit and measure the torque converter to see if it is going to fall within spec. There's a lot of aluminum shavings all around where I was cutting. I made a pretty good mess with the aluminum shavings