Going to resurrect a Daisy Dukes CJ Jeep!

An update to the ole Daisy Dukes Jeep. I had gotten the frame painted, and the shocks painted (I didn't stripe it, the paint was not bad and made for a good bases -as-is so went right over top with some thinned out flat black in the air brush....

To see the shocks detail a bit better:

Then I went and got some more added to the AMC 401 V-8 I added under the hood....It got 2 Alterators, as it will have dual batteries (Daisy has to keep those 2 cousins of hers outta trouble some how!)

As for the dual battery and Alternator details, I also wired up the starter, added in the fuel linkage and return spring to the carburetor, AND got the Emergency Brake/Parking brake connections in place.

Quite a bit of detail on the engine, along! Have a look!

These pics were taken last night, and tonight I got even further! Those will come some time tomorrow!

All of these "loose" wires will be in place to the body as they have to be let loose till the body of the Jeep is ready to be connected to the frame as they have specific places to go, AND I have to make space for dual batteries, AND add a Master Cylinder for regular brake use, as the kit did not have this detail, and I added drum brakes in the rear, and will have disk brakes in the front.....All of "that" is currently "in-place"....
Enjoy for now!