Plugs and Wires

Typically use non resistor plugs with resistance cables. I did some tests using my igniton coil tester with a Champion resistance plug I bought by mistake, the spark was much weaker in intensity than standard plug. The added resistance decreases spark current, and also decreases spark duration. Your Ohm meter test does not measure insulation leakage, that is important too.

With electronic ignition, best not try to use solid wires. I have used solid wires with resistor in rotor, and at plug ends, but resistance cables radiate much less. The solid wire radiates, the spark energy is frequency rich, with various lengths of plug wires, you will be broadband jammer. There are wires with spiral core and semiconductive shields. I use reasonably priced cables, and change frequently.

Use spark plug designed for you engine, and heat range. Projected tips are higher heat, in miss application, plug may hit piston.