Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

- New semi-disaster today on the home front. Teresa was driving the Sebring convertible this morning when the receiver hitch on a truck in front of her came off. - Luckily it didn't bounce through her windshield but it did a lot of damage to the underside of the car. It lost oil immediately when it punctured the pan. I'm waiting for a chance to get it up on a hoist to make sure the block isn't damaged.

The hitch put a 6" dent in the passenger side floor board. My 10 year old granddaughter was struck in the face by a glass coffee jar that was in Teresa's purse. The purse was on the floor right above the spot that the hitch struck. She's got a bruised jaw and swollen cheek. We're having her checked to make sure she's OK otherwise.

Although the car does not have outward signs of damage I'm afraid they will total it if the drive train has anything serious broken.


You can't tell it in this photo but the back end of the car is covered in oil.


It took Teresa about 50 yards to get pulled over and stop. The right rear tire tossed oil into the wheel well.



The underside is drenched with oil.






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