Happy Birthday, Kargyrl93!

Well Karyli, I didn't intend to allude that you should party it up, as a matter of fact I am a non drinker myself! I only wanted you to enjoy your special day any way you like! I would never condone drinking, especially when carrying a young cherub!! Hope you had the best day ever, and congrats on your impending arrival, I am hoping for a healthy and happy baby!!! That would indeed be the best present ever!!! Geof

Thanks, Geof! No harm done here! Lol, People just like to poke fun at me knowing I can legally buy alcohol now, but I can't drink it if I wanted to. I'm not big into drinking, either. My 20 year fake father was an abusive drunk. For that reason I don't agree with getting plastered to that point of no return. I'll drink a wine cooler here and there, but definitely do NOT make a habit out of it. Now, I really don't drink. Sure, I'll buy the occasional 6 pack of Smirnoff but it will be on my down time where child care isn't needed. Rather it be, I'm not feeding, or Robert's taking care of him while I sip a cold one... But even then, it'd be 1 and 1 only for the night.

Yes, this baby is indeed the best gift Robert and I could ever wish for! Thank you for your wishes; they're very much appreciated!! :cheers: