Original Little Red Wagon A-100?

Here is a few answers
Truck was built with carbs but it would go up and then stall from too much or not enough gas fall back down and restart and go again. It had carbs when Chy first showed it to Maverick but when he went to try it it was changed to Hilborns. If I get a chance I will take a pic of them I still have them with #1 truck
Lots of changes over the run of 4 trucks . It did start with left steering but after a few crashes it went to center drive for safety.

So it when it came from Chry. It had a cross ram intake with 2 carbs?

I'd like to see this as you mentioned when you have a chance, PLEASE! LOL I will NOT begin this model till I know for sure as I want to make the model a replica to the very 1st one, if at all possible!