hello fellow members just joined your wonderful site so I'm new to you I was shipped to this site by a bunch of caring members and I thank them. So here goes the storey I purchased years ago a bagged out 1971 dart swinger less engine and whats left of an interior and some alien inspired autobody work to say the least ,typical rusty quarters ,lets make a 2piece fender into a 1piece fender type of crap so now I'm considering getting this unit back on the road Now here's the question what do I have galen govier years ago through a friend decoded the fender tag , said was a 340 4 spd swinger now what I need to know if its a true 340 4spd swinger or was he making me feel good ? so here is the fender tag tx9 c end tx9 L2x9 tx9 513 b31111 e55 d21 LL23 h1r 267669 that's it . the car has the 4 spd and the 8 3/4 diff ,hood scoops have black fronts not chrome grille I think was shark tooth someone had told me. so now I want to put it back together to what it was , I did rob a 340 out of a 1971 340 demon/duster years ago figured get one while the gittin was good so hopefully its a 340 car and I can keep it as such missed a 1970 340 back in highschool kicked myself for years , now its time to get it going before to old to work a clutch, thanks for all your help