Flake member alert

The first time I was made aware of this thread was when oklacarcollecto sent me a PM about...and I did respond then. I have not got a pop up about this thread since.
I have got a few other PM's from people not associated with this thread which did indeed have pop ups, but I was never alerted back to this thread until Geof called me and sent me a PM here on FABO...which was yesterday.
I already had the hood in my van and was about to take lunch and attempt yet again to get it shipped when he called. I work in Clinton Twp. which is about 35 miles from the closest Greyhound station so I gave him my address as I was not confident that it would slip by the counter person as it is packaged about as small as possible and was still over Greyhounds allowable size limit. I have not run into this before. At any rate I told Geof that if i can't grease the wheel enough at Greyhound he is more than welcome to come over and pick it up at his convenience. I could take it to with me to work and he could pick it up there or I could simply leave it in the bed of my Ram 1500 which has a topper on it to keep it protected.
I can assure you I had no previous knowledge of this threads new postings that morning when I loaded the hood into my van.

KrazyKuda - This isn't my business, it is my hobby and one of my few passions in life.

1930 - It is clear you haven't a clue about this transaction as I sold him the hood for $100.00 + shipping (which was figured to be another $100.00).
No idea where your random $500 figure came from?!?