Do You Own Big Block MP Valve Covers?? Please Read This ... and Share

Thanks Dana! I should have a few installation pics in a few days -- they're shipping out to the Chicago area this morning.

MoparDaddy and Joe, though I didn't share it with him, you both pretty much echoed my original thoughts a couple months ago when Dave, the guy with the black wrinkle / lime MPs, shared that he had cracked one of his dog ears upon installation. He insisted it was nothing he did but I'd figured he got a plug wire lodged under it or something and cranked it down anyway resulting in the split shown in the highlighted photo above.

When I got in two more BRAND NEW sets of those same valve covers (the subject of this thread) and noticed obvious defects in those same spots, I had to wonder if Dave's were hairlined too and I'd just missed it ... but this is my JOB and I don't miss much when it comes to metal that's right in front of me for an extended period of time. Those custom jobs don't happen overnight and there's a TON of metal work involved -- not too much gets past my Eagle Eye, lemme put it that way.

So then I wrote an alert post and put it out there for the Mopar Community to read on FaceBook, FBBO, here, etc. ... and more than SIXTY PEOPLE have since come forward with the same or an even more severe issue.

We're ALL motorheads. We've all been at this for awhile (at least most of us have), and those who haven't usually have some help from a more experienced person when it comes time to work on our beasties. In my opinion, there's no way that all of those motorheads with experience just "overtightened" those valve covers on exactly the same bolt resulting in exactly the same problem.

You be the judge.