Things that happen just before you leave for a run

Racing a guy that I gave 3 cars to with my friend 72 BB Chevelle. The car had a mechanical and an electric fuel pump. The electric would regularly power past the regulator flooding the carb so cruising it was never on. He reminds me about 8-10 times to turn the pump on right before I stage and I forgot.

Guy starting the race says he's going to flag and cross my lane to get out of the way. I tell him that's really stupid and not to do it. He wants to do it regardless. I tell him I hope he's fast, cause I'm not waiting on him.

Guy hits the light, I leave HARD. The guy tries to cross my lane and I clip his trailing foot. Knocks him around like a spinning top, broken foot. Get out about 800ft and the car lays over. I scramble to turn the pump on, too late. Car blubbers and right at the stripe the other guy gets by. Lose!!!

I get back and my friend is pissed and asks if I saw the car pull out in front of us. I said no. Apparently a car, no lights on, pulled out from somewhere and had the fuel pump been turned on, I likely plow him at 115+. Best money I ever lost.

I was road racing motorcycles. We got rushed to get the bike ready for practice and it was a scramble. I absolutely HATE to feel rushed or pressured prior to practice or a race. Wrong frame of mind. I rush to get my gear on and jump on the GSXR750 with 1350cc engine. It was a monster of a bike. I'm getting waved out of our pit box and headed to the track. Get on to pit road, two guys jump the wall to stop me waving frantically. I forgot to secure the strap on my helmet.... DUHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I go out and on the third lap I bury the thing into a corner at 150+ and find myself going head over heels. Rear tire exploded. I'm glad those guys stopped me before I entered the track. My helmet was beat to crap. Hate to think what might have happened had the strap still been unsecured on my helmet.