What would you call this cross breed?

....I have to say I helped to restore a '33 Plymouth 5 window coupe and that thing only made through the Depression because it had the rumble seat removed and the whole rear was cut out and had a wooden box made to fit in its place and was in a barn that the garage I worked for back then, seen from the road and got the car for mere $500! IT DROVE out of there with a old Flat head 4 popper in it! I did all the sheet metal and any body work it needed and painted the car. Today it still is owned by the same guy, in Pennsylvania, BUT it needed more body work like 20 years later and he painted the whole car flat black. GRRRRRR It looked GREAT in Purple and Yellow like the (I think) J.C. Whitney catalog colors....(Its been awhile, I am not sure if it was a Whitney catalog anymore or one of the other "big parts places" I can however remember that catalog had a sweet looking blonde in shorts on the front cover LOL