Rani Day Auto Repair

Thanks everyone for the warm response ....I was actually worried.

Right now I have a small customer base from school. Mostly Girls which seem to be my niche market because they trust I am not going to take advantage of their lack of car knowledge which most mechanics have developed a reputation of taking advantage of women because they know that most women don't know better, the perception works to my advantage, even though I doubt that every mechanic really does that.

But now I am doing easy stuff. Tires, flat tires, brakes, Battery drains, clutches, had a couple transmission builds so far, Timing belts, and serp. belts.

I would like to get an A-100 van and go mobile because I have done some of these repairs in the parking lot at school. I have also had friends call my dad's phone after hours and I went out to fix flats or jump a dead battery......that kind of thing.

My parents don't really like the mobile thing if its a job for someone I don't know. But that is something to work on.

just a slow and small start.