Rani Day Auto Repair

Good for you Rani.
I could see the niche market of working on women's cars alone keeping you in steady work once the word is spread around a bit. Clever, never would have thought of that.
Build a reputation of doing a quality job keeps good customers coming back if your community is small like where I live.
I have always looked at jobs like this. If someone else can do it, their is no reason I can't.
You will find you have no time for the fears and they are unfounded.
Try to fill your schedule with jobs that can be done quickly to keep the money coming in faster.
The younger you start your dream the be better. You will do fine just get out there and do it for yourself. If you do it for someone else they will take the enjoyment out of it.
Don't forget to save some time for your own cars. This I never seem to do.