Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Maybe this isn't the correct forum to vent my complaints but I have been having a real problem with one of my neighbors. He works as a groundskeeper of the county courthouse (he mows the lawn). The guy lives across the alley from me and tends to block the alley whenever it's apparent that I need access.

A few years ago I tried to get his family to stop parking on my property and blocking the alley by leaving a polite note on one of his vehicles. The crumpled note along with a few empty pop containers ended up thrown into my yard the next day.

Because he works in proximity with local law enforcement he has been able to use his influence to make our life miserable if we complain.

Not only did they not stop blocking the alley but I found that my son and I were stopped by the Sheriff's department 4 separate times during the next couple of weeks. My son was ticketed for speeding and swears to me that he was under the limit. I was pulled over and ticketed for having an expired operator's license. I had gone to the courthouse the day before to have it renewed but failed my test (because of idiot questions about what the penalties are for certain driving offenses). There had been no reason to pull me over. My son was stopped for his Chevelle being too loud (even though it idled rough, - it was NOT loud). We were fined about $500 for having an open fire without a permit out at our farm that we had nothing to do with. We were told by the Sheriff's department that they had a witness who was willing to swear that my son's stepside truck was out there at the time. Apparently it didn't matter that the truck had been out of commission sitting in town for over a month with a bad starter. I was given a warning when I put the PLYMOUTH license plate on my Barracuda the day before taking it to a car show. I have a friend with a police scanner that informed me that the cops must have gone onto my property to read the VIN numbers off of the dashes of my cars. He heard it being called in.

I found out last week that one of the Sheriff deputies had been polling my other neighbors to find out if they had any complaints about me or my vehicles.

Growing up, I used to like this town. It seems like a sh*thole to me now. I really want to get moved. - And I'm not sure if I still want to restore our old farmhouse even though it's been in the family name for over 100 years.

I realize that there is no nirvana I could move to where I wouldn't possibly ever have to put up with crap from somebody. But when the sight of law enforcement stops making you feel secure and instead feels like a threat to your security, there's a big problem.

There are probably some of you out there that suspect that I've upset these people by making a lot of noise with my vehicles. But the truth of the matter is that I don't believe that there has been more than a few minutes per week that I've had any of the loud ones running here on my yard. - And I don't fire them up after dark. Meanwhile we still have issues with them blocking our alley and throwing trash onto our yard. The access is necessary if I want to be able to get to the lot we own behind our house. - And we use it to park our cars and trailer.