Do You Own Big Block MP Valve Covers?? Please Read This ... and Share

I got a brand new set of the polished big block MPs in this morning for another customer. They're not any better ... :-(

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Straight out of the box from Ma Mopar via Classic Industries, there's no way that "over-tightening" did THAT (or any of the other defects captured in over 70 photos). On this set the hairline cracks were just polished over. :wack:

OK, I make no claims to be a metallurgist or a machinist. Therefore, all I ask is: please do not laugh at this probably-stupid question. Could (gently) shot-peening them help by removing what I figure are stress riders from a crappy casting job? Also, to reduce stress on the mounting ears, am I right in thinking that you want the LEAST-compressible gaskets?

Note to self: make sure to stick with stamped-steel valve covers on all Mopars.'s a scary thought: what would the new MP valve covers look like if someone were to Magnaflux one, I wonder?