anybody running sch 40 PVC pipe

well... let me try and be as plain and simple as i can .... DO NOT USE PVC FOR AN AIR LINE.... ANYWHERE ... EVER!!! if you do, you will eventually kill or seriously injur yourself, a family member or someone else. if you kill yourself, then your family and kids will probably be upset and blame you for not listening to people (like me and the other FABO folks here); if you kill one of your kids i probably don't need to discuss how you are going to feel. if you kill someone else, you WILL be sued by a clever lawyer and you WILL lose because there is NO pvc manufacturer that your attorney will be able to find that will testify on your behalf. so maybe your exploding pvc will just injur someone. well that's not going to be very good either.

i'm a semi-retired lawyer that still does negligence cases - car wrecks, slip and falls, and people who are injured as a result of someone else's misuse of a product. i would take every "pvc used as an air line" case that walked into my office because i know there is no legal defense to this practice. further, and more important than my years as a sleazy attorney, is the fact that after 8 years of faithful service, i just left my part-time job at a local home depot in the plumbing department. i actually acquired many more friends in that role as when i was a full-time "big-time" attorney. home depot's position on pvc used as an air line is very clear - they do not recommend it and they will not assist a customer in putting together the parts once they find out that that is what the customer wants to use the pvc for. and, as has been previously mentioned, plastic pipe - all plastic pipe - degrades significantly if exposed to direct sunlight and/or heat. there are all kind of "back-yard" practices by car mechanics. some work, some don't and some will kill you. so would you use your kid's a-frame swing set to pull an engine? you shouldn't. would you crawl under a car supported by only a hydralic jack? you shouldn't. would you weld close to a gas tank just because "it doesn't have much gas in it." you shouldn't. would you test your transmission by running the car in gear just sitting on a couple of jack stands with nothing more? you shouldn't. do you let your kids play with your guns without proper training and when you're not at home? you shouldn't. do you often go to lunch with a female fellow worker "by yourselves?" you shouldn't. none of my examples will bite you in the *** 100% of the time. however, you only need to be unlucky once with all of my examples. why would you want to take the risk of having pvc air line explode in your face? just be smart, use black iron (or galvanized) pipe with proper "fall" and angles for water drainage and you can check "air line explosion" off you list. by hey, don't believe me, do your own research. i am confident that you WILL NOT find any professional or reputable source stating that pvc pipe, schedule 40, 80, 100 or whatever, is safe for use for compressed air. and if you have some time, just go to your local home depot and read what the label on the pvc pipe says.

good luck. i hope you follow the advice being given to you here.