So long, Tony Stewart

5 sec.
32 sec.
54 sec.
149 sec.
158 sec.
All show people on the track after a wreck some as the car is still settling with the cars still moving on the track.Non were killed non deserved to die for I said you have to know these cars to understand why people do what they do in a race and the best thing to do is get away from the car as quick as possible,thats why the workers are out there so fast to make sure the drive can get out and isn't pinned in with possible fire situation.The internet is a wonderful thing educate yourself.He dies because he was run over.think about this how many times do or did nascar drivers get out throw a helmet,flip off or go to the car and point and scream at the drive after a wreck while still on the track plenty but how many times did the drive punch the gas while the guy was in front of him trying to get out of the way????there is three side to every story,the way half the people see it and the way the other half see it but there is also the third side and that side is the not everyone is going to agree on everything.