So long, Tony Stewart

the drivers also don't walk half way down the track in to traffic. NASCAR sprint/nationwide series tracks are a hell of lot bigger/wider than the dinky dirt tracks. Therefore they have the room to safely or as safely as possible to exit the cars. I've yet to ever go to a dirt track where the drivers exit the car after a wreck unless it's on fire. The driver always stays in the car while it's on the track as they are far safer in the car than out of it. I think you should go educate yourself before telling others to do so.

No ****. Safety workers attending to a car vs a guy going into the traffic to show his displeasure. What color are all those safety workers wearing. Mostly White and YELLOW... not BLACK.

How many of those were red flagged as well.

Car on fire and you run away and not into traffic lanes. He wasn't on fire and that is a MOOT POINT. Could have gone to the place he just bounced off of to be out of harms way... NOPE.

This kid made the NUMBER ONE error that anyone that has raced knows better than to do. What makes it worse is he's been racing for 14+ years. If any of those helmet throwing flipping off nascar guys ran down into an active lane on a race track to do such, i'd say the exact same thing if they were injured or killed!

Lots of never strapped in monday morning qb's. After :26 of the video I saw, the kid was dead in the wrong regarding his actions. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Latest is NO FACT OR BEHAVIOR to warrant a criminal investigation at this point.