trans question

Ok internet tough guy, how about this:

I know your the man in your mind when it comes to transmission and all, but your people skills are lacking. Sure makes me feel welcome. No need to be a jerk, your acting like I stepped on your d*ck or something, get over yourself.

Sorry, but that was twice in 20 min that you told someone something that would only serve to keep them busy, and not fix a thing.

Shrouds don't do a damn thing on the freeway like you told one guy to do to possibly solve his freeway temps climbing, and now you go on about the shift bindup when shifts were never mentioned at all (only a dragging sensation at cruise when cold only)
(HOT fluid would make a 2-3 bindup worse not better due to it flowing faster from a lower viscosity)

I don't pretend to know all about transmissions and I have said that, or be an internet "tough guy"
But if we were all standing around having a beer and someone said a shroud would help on the freeway or a 2-3 shift bind is what makes his car feel like the brakes are on at light throttle cruise I would still say BULLSHIT.

BTW, I have certs from ASE and ATRA both as well built them service managed and diagnostic test drove for trans problems for decades, so it's not like I'm a newb at it.
Just don't remember a lot of it.
But I don't tell people total BS either, so get off of it.

I will apologize for letting it get to me so much though, and dragging it out in the open like I did.
I am sorry I jumped on you so hard about it.

I know you give better advice than this normally, and it just seemed like you were not reading the posts very well.