stuck up car show guys....

Well I've been to several car shows this summer here in Colorado and I've gotta say I'm almost done with it. I thought having a car and getting together with other car guys would be really cool, you know talking car stuff and all that goes with it. But man I gotta say these guys are D--ks... I like anything a guy took the time to try and fix up, if nothing else just to save it from the junk yard, but these guys at these shows don't look at any other cars. They don't even know there are other cars at these shows other then there superior car. Whats up with that. Some of these guys are mopar guys too.
I was parked next to this young kid, who had a dart that looked like a duster and hadn't had the money or time to put into it just yet, but had a plan for future mods but was treated like he didn't belong in a car show, because his car wasn't finished.
I hope it isn't like this all over. I have more fun just cruising around. People are always waving and asking me about my car, without some s--ty tone in there voice...

I ran into that a lot at the shows in Greeley the last few years I lived there.Seems like they have their little cliques and won't even look at you unless you can brag about your $25,000 paint job or something. There is a show in Evans on Labor day every year put on by the Melby Family. No entry fee, no trophys...just car people getting together and eating and talking cars. If you get a chance to go you will find a better vibe. People come from as far as California. Let me know and I can give you directions to get there.:cheers: