Aluminum bumper brackets, a new offering

Please be patient guys, I'm working (forced) 3 extra shifts a week with a one hour cummute each way. Its a swing shift on top of that so needless to say I'm constantly exhausted. I'm working on these(5 models) front and rear at the same time. My cad person is extremely busy with her regular job and young children. Trying to coordinate it all is tricky. Another setback has been equipment. I found that I can't make allxmy bends with my cheap harbor freight brake so I just spent $500 for a 20 ton press and swag offroad press brake kit. I want to be sure these brackets fit properly when you guys get them and that takes a bit of trial and error to get right.

When these are ready I think everyone will be very satisfied with their purchase. Thank you everyone for your interest and patience. Jeff Lingenfelter.