Can you identify these?

Thanks for the input. So far though, it's still a mystery. I have all of the clips for the heater cables. These clips are much bigger than those. They're about the largest "trim" clips I've ever seen in many years of working on cars.

I noticed there are two different styles, two each. One end of each clip looks like it clips onto something (metal?), while the other end is a spring onto which something would snap into place. The "clip" end is wider on one clip and narrower (tighter) on the other clip. Both of the "retainer" ends are the same.

I took thousands of pics of this project from the beginning, partly because it's just fun, and I like having the before & after shots. Unfortunately, somehow, I missed capturing any details on this one part.

I did restoration work on early Porsches for many years, and when I went to the vintage Porsche shows, somebody always had a contest with a bunch of odd parts. Anyone could try to identify as many of the parts as they were able to, and the winner got some cool prizes.

Maybe this mystery could be the start of something. Since I've put all of my "disposable income" into my car for the last four years, all I have to offer the winner right now would be some used Dart Parts. Ha Ha!

Thanks again for the input.