What adjustable rockers to buy at a reasonable cost?
I wanted to use these on a 470" 400 street motor with a hydraulic roller camshaft
in the .585 lift range. Max 6500 rpm and not that often. I have used the ductile
iron Mopar rockers before (with a .750 mechanical roller) and no problems so
I am familiar with them......but that was 40 years ago.
I just cannot believe that the web is not rife with bad reviews if these things have
any kind of a significant failure rate - and I cannot find even one instance reported.
I don't think that Jegs would be selling anything that created constant problems either.
I liked the idea of a stainless steel roller tipped rocker (bushed; no needles). It is not
a matter of $$$. I'm going to take a set to my engine and cylinder head guy for his
opinion. He has a low 8-second B-body with an enormous wedge motor in it.
If anyone has a link that denotes an actual bad experience with THIS BRAND AND
STYLE/MODEL of roller rocker, I would like to see it.