63 dart valiant guys- help please
working on 63 dart......I've installed the slant out of 65 b body. got the a body engine brackets and insulators ( same as in my 65 slant dart). this was a roller so its pieced together. the engine sits 1/2 inch or so closer to right side firewall.than the slant iun the 65 dart.... the carb throttle rod , the v shaped deal where the kickdown rod attaches its too close to firewall.
since there is hump at firewall for wiper motor. does the 63 take a different throttle rod?????????? and does it take a different engine bracket insulator to move the engine for an inch or so?????????????
i'd appppreciate any info from 63 guys, got me stumped>>( which isn't that hardf to do!!???) LOL....