Hey guys!
I know I said Chey would send out thank you notes! She will!
We are in the middle of a move! We thought this was going to happen, but it is sooner rather than later.
Getting custody of Chey was expensive but worth every nickle, now a judge has saw fit to allow me to move Cheyanne. We needed more space and put the house up for sale. The house sold faster than I could ever imagine but I had to accommodate the buyer and move quickly.
So please, don't think we/she has forgotten you! She rides her bike all the time, plus there are a couple of kids in the old neighborhood who also have bikes thanks you guys. My presence here is going to be sporadic at best until we find a house or do something about or living situation. We are looking, but finding closing and moving all take time. Hope to squared away in next few weeks. Things are moving faster with this little girl than I could ever imagine. I just hope next year we get to take a nice long breather!