Tips for first time restorers!

Im sure some of these are no brainers. Winding down 4 year long build. My first attempt at a build. Im running into problems I should have for seen. These are just a few things I ran into. I sure some of you all have more to add.

Bag and tag everything. Every screw, bolt everything!
Have assortment of screws, bolts, nuts and washers. Odds are you lost some and some just aren't good enough to go back in.
Have you changed panels? Be ready for trimming and fitting issues.
Organize your tools!
Photos of parts before you take them apart. This would have saved me a ton of time. Most of you have cell phones now days. Document it all.
Not all research is good research. Specially online. Some people are plain full of **** and some are really good to bounce ideas off.
Work on portions of the car. Dont skip around you will feel like you have got nothing done. Stay in one area till its done!
Find a good place to store the parts you need to keep. Box parts up in sections!
Dont forget to enjoy life! Really easy to get wrapped into work and garage life. Dont forget about those around you!
Shop for parts ahead of time. This allows you to be able to search around a bit for quality and price. When need something you will find yourself overpaying because you need it like yesterday!

The biggest one! Enjoy the small wins! Celebrate however you celebrate. This will make you feel good about what you have done instead of what still needs done!