Any FTA satellite guys?

Got a receiver and a 60cm dish, cant find G19. Got the right AZ and elevation but just no dice. No meter correct linear HV LNB, got 99 signal but 0 quaility. Sucks because I dont have a audible signal meter on the receiver, only a bar graph and the kids say they Q doesnt move when I elevate throughout the known azimuth. How pinpoint do I have to be, like laser beam close? Stupid offset dish, I dont trust the gauge on the side, makes no sense. Skew is correct at 28 degrees. I get the dish vertical and the gauge says 22 degrees (correct offset from man. spec) , I get that. I put it to 44.9 and I still have nothing (correct elevation for my latitude) Bad LNB? Its not new, but signal drops to 0 if I unplug it so its doing something. I got a cheap analog meter coming friday. Also, how do I update the receiver with the new channels, does it do it automatically when I do a blind scan? I see lots of transponders and freq's but many dont match what lyngsat says are good channels.