Any FTA satellite guys?

Yeah, those stats are correct for my town, even plugged them into satfinder and used the google earth overlay to shoot the azimuth from my roof ( i can see my sat dish on my roof!) And aim it over a known landmark. My property line corner lines up exactly so its an easy visual aim right down the lnb support arm. Its just the elevation thst is the unknown. The dish elevation was pretty chewed up at 50, i see the jam nut tracks but that aint close to 44.9 unless they were looking at a higher bird. I had the same issue with the triple lnb oval dish i set up, much easier as the DBS circular lnbs receive 200w signal while the linear FTA G19 is a 60w signal my elevation was about 5 off, had to look at my neighbors and eyeball his elevation, nailed it first try. Cant do much until fri so ill update then.