Any FTA satellite guys?


(Knock on the door) whos there?
The Feds...
Feds who?
The feds, open up!
OK! Honey, turn off the tv...
May i help you?
Yeah, we caught you watching "game of thrones" without a legitimate DBS account...
Really? When?
Just now!
No, we were watching Funniest home videos..."
No you werent, we hread it through the door...
Oh, so you HEARD it then?
Well, yeah...
Prove it....
Thete is a pansat receiver right there and a 60cm dish on your roof with 8 lnb's
So, is thst illegal?
Not on the surface, no; but the receiver is programmed to pick up DBS
Yeah right, look at it!
Ok......see! Game of thrones is on!
Yeah, but am i watching it, or are you? Seems im not breaking any laws by standing here...
Your receiver picks it up via iks through your internet..
Yeah, prove that...what is iks and what does the internet packet look like?
Thats not our job, ours is to catch you red handed...
Which hasn't happened yet, right? I mean we were not watching GOT when you walked in right?
Well, were were told you were intercepting privte DBS signals so we are hauling you in...take him away!
Who told you? My wife? We are the only ones living here...?
We found your ip as a destination for an iks packet...
We got wifi, the whole apt complex knows our password, we are a commune! Could have been anyone..
Well, tell that to the judge..get him out of here...wait, lets finish this episode first......