Problem with ply30 member
Considering your a good fella up and down all day long as far as I'm concerned, I'll letcha in on something first, the question's answer is a catch 22.
Got no dog in this particular fight, the last statement pretty much is right on the money.
Been there, done that. One party owes another, be it parts, be it money... all word against word. The best you can do it get to the bottom of who's word is
closer to the truth (not the
actual truth as both stories will carry some elements and leave other elements out to garner sympathy).
Had one member accuse another member of selling him a car that two restoration shops claimed was garbage. The purchaser dropped names, so I got a hold of both restoration shops. One wouldn't talk about it, the other came out said some pretty derogative things about the purchaser. Tells me who's story was closer to the truth.
Recently had a "he said, he said," argument. Both sides were able to speak as to the matter at hand. Got a PM just a month ago saying the purchaser was going to sue the seller and wanted to let everyone know. Not gonna happen. Let the courts decide and keep it out off the site at this point.
But, know what? I'm still the asshole because I wouldn't let this person say that or that person say that.
Gotta act as a filter somewhat and make the executive decision as to who can say what and if what has to be said is pertinent to the conversation. But it goes unappreciated when it's
this person or
that person.
There's a certain tact that's necessary for being a mod. I enjoy the duty. I like helping members out with posting pics, where to place stuff, encouraging members how to use the site, but one must be able to put his own thoughts at times on the back burner to help members through a situation remembering it ain't about him. (Though there are times I'd like to reach through the screen and slap the s*** out of someone. Deep breath and let's get to the bottom of this.)
To the issue at hand I've said in another thread, the seller's issue seems to be with packaging. Busted stuff. It's been explained on here time and time again, from those who have worked at the parcel services to package it like it's going into a gorilla cage. It was explained to him in the last thread as to how important packaging is. Glass is hit or miss, that's for sure, but many glass places seem to be able to package something in which the glass makes it to the end user.