Engine rebuild choices

Houston, we have a problem. Plan on changing more than the converter. A slant trans won't bolt up to a V8. The bellhousings are totally different. The 2.76 geared 7 1/4" won't live long behind a stout V8 so plan on that swap down the road. If this were MY car here's what I would do. !. Set of Schumacher conversion mounts (www.engine-swaps.com) since I have a slant K member. 2. Find a V8 904 tranny with a stock converter. 3. Bolt the stock '72 engine/904 trans together and drop it in the car. 4. Drive the wheels off it until something breaks or the fun is gone and then reassess. Don't know why but '72 318s were magic. They were the stoutest stock 318 I ever ran across. Lord, did I have fun in Dad's '72 Swinger...

Oh my god, i cant believe i outright forgot. I knew i had to change the k member, but i completely forgot about the tranny, Im pretty sure I have one in the shed though.