Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project
Good information. Like I say before I don't claim to know what I'm doing -lol, but thank you. I had a feeling something would be wrong about it being that thin. I was about to take it to my shop today and cut it off, after realizing that the bend I need to make is not as drastic as I thought it would be. It's only a little less than straight. Actually the angle I put in the beginning points it off the fender enough to be safe.
The problem with the 3 exhaust shops I've run to out here, is they do not bend pipe, they have straight pipe, and they buy bends from machinists, and charge you $40 a bend. Online I can get a bend from Jegs or SUmmit for less than $20 shipped, and hack off whatever part I need. The oreillys nearby had a 3' section of 2 1/2" which I should be able to take a small cut out of, and bend slightly. Like I said it doesn't have to be much and I have a simple pipe bender. Then I'd just need a 45* and need to find some 1 1/2" pipe for the wastegate line and make a collector where it 45's back into the system. I think with a 45, some 2 feet of 1 1/2" and 3 feet of 2 1/2" I should be able to meet near the old exhaust for now. I plan on unbolting it from the transmission hanger bracket, and just pulling it over a bit, bolting it down again somehow (maybe elongating the bracket) and having a flange on the end of my custom downpipe to make it easily removed for working on something.