Antifreeze questions ?

EVANS waterless coolant would be my best recommendation for almost every car out there. It will not boil so it won't puke out all over. You can remove the radiator cap even when it's hot and it won't turn into a geyser. It will not cause corrosion like other coolant mixtures do. It NEVER needs to be changed. But it's pretty pricey. It ran me 42.50 per gallon. You do not dilute it with water, you run only it. In the long run it will save you money because it never needs changing. It doesn't break down and fill your block with sediment. If you've ever had a car at a drag strip that got warm and started pushing antifreeze out the overflow and onto the track you'll appreciate the fact that this doesn't boil. It won't make you run any cooler but because it doesn't turn to steam you shouldn't ever see super hot extremes. (once your coolant boils, that steam is much hotter and incapable of exchanging heat as well)