Never forget what happened today

It hit pretty close and personal with me, though i did not lose anyone I knew directly.

My 10 year old daughter Emily & I were out in New York visiting 2 of my nieces exactly one month before the attack. I took Emily on a vacation that we called "The planes, trains and automobiles" trip.
We flew from Minnesota to NY then rented a car and drove to see friends in Delaware then on to sight see in Washington DC Pennsylvania, Ohio where I used to live and ended up in Chicago where then took a train back to home here in Minnesota. It was a most excellent trip that I will never forget!

These photos were taken on August 11th, 2001, exactly 1 month before the attack. We also happened to stop in Washington DC for sight seeing as well as spent a night at a hotel in the middle of Pennsylvania on our way back home, close to where Flight 93 went down. Talk about coincidence. It really made the whole attack a bit more close and personal.
Never Forget! One of these two nieces we were visiting actually met her husband while she was trying to walk out of downtown New York after the attacks. We were all so worried and trying to reach her by phone for a couple of days! They now have 2 sons together and just moved back here to Minnesota last year.

I was just coincidentally cleaning out my closet last week and found a few brand new, never-worn t-shirts form that trip which feature the twin towers on them. Who would have guessed what was soon to take place??? It made the gravity of it all much more intense to both me and my daughter since we had just visited all of those places.

I took a few photos from the Statue of liberty and stitched them together for a panoramic view of New York City.
Never Forget
