Problem with ply30 member

unfortunately , sometimes , It takes a lot of pissed off members through shady deals to get someone banned from selling. there was another member that used to rip people off left and right that continued on for a long time before he was finally banned. and to top it off he would send people threatening and harassing PM's for calling him out. I explained to downsr how to leave feedback , so maybe that will at least help get the word out.

Many different tnings happen to us and of course other than him nobidy knows whats going on on his life and there could be many reasons why he is fallif behind on properly taking care of ( at least a few of his sales) im not saying flat out ban the guy but at least slow him down some int he catches up.

I got over whelmed with shipping and keeping track of the who/where/what/ehy and if when i sold a few parts off one car let alone multiple cars. We know he is realitiy ok as he is still listing parts and replying to questions ( at least for unsold parts )

Juwt say for instance he got behind on shipping a package or two for whatever reason ( and there are a million good/bad reasons a person can get behind). If that happened and now he would be taking shipping money from the next sale to ship the last one then if he misses another in there someplace them well yiu can see how fast that could snowball into something uncontrolable and very out of hand.

Then add the fact thqt maybe a person might be to embarrased to ask for help and just figures he can get it straight soon enough but it just keeps getting worse and worse.

Now this of course is all just hypothetical but i have seen it happen over and over. Wouldent we be doing him and all the potential buys a favor by saying for whatever reason he is off track that right is right and enough is enough until you get caught up