Problem with ply30 member

I have never said ( that i know of but maybe i did lol)
To ban the guy but i thinks it fair and reasonable that when something gets this far off the beaten path ( people get arrested now a days for bad checks) to just do a temp hold on selling ads. Even more important if the seller is having financial issues because it very well might gt worse of he is allowed to keep selling before it is cleared up.

Now im not saying temp suspend everybody that gets a complaint as that would be outright silly. You are all mature adult that can see when something is not right and fishy. If a guy is writing bad checks then somethings up and i would think that would be enough of a red flag to say ok hold up here and get this fixed before selling anymore.

and in most cases, most people wont search the shame forum first.

The feedback system isn't a joke, many just don't bother with it, as evidenced by how ply30 has a bunch of positive reviews and no negative. Although I agree that it could be a lot better. Somehow the positives made it in there.

I keep telling you, decisions you guys think are so simple and easy, REALLY aren't. They seem that way to you guys, but they aren't.

Like, for example, If I ban ply30 for example, maybe he gets pissed and decides to never come back AND never refund the money. Does that improve things? No.

Could it be that he has some kind of temporary financial issue and that's why the trouble with the refund? The only negative I have heard from others is that he can be a little slow with shipping, nobody else has told me he stiffed them on money or parts, just that he is slow in shipping.