Man eats girlfriend's brain and heart.....

I am proud to be an Athiest, a person that thinks for myself, reasons and doesn't ignore proven scientific fact and I also don't accept what other humans tell me to do because someone told them and they swore it was fact. (for example, remember the flat world wasn't that long ago) I have never killed anyone, and try to "do unto others" but I, and only I judge me for the things I am not proud of, and don't try to blame good or bad things on someone or something else. God is a concept of a peacful and forgiving nature and comes from the human heart, not from outer space or whatever.

I'll bite.

I believe in god. I also do not ignore proven science. What I choose to disbelieve is non proven science, such as sciences THEORIES for the creation of earth and the universe. Science can't prove the Big Bang theory or evolution. In order for someone to believe so strongly in that then they have great FAITH in those theories. If you ask me then science is a religion. I also put my faith into something that has not been proven.