Man eats girlfriend's brain and heart.....

Religious beliefs aside, just TRY to imagine how horrible you would feel if this woman was your sister, daughter, mother or friend... That is some messed-up **** to have to deal with that would be very tough to ever get past the part of wondering how it all went down and what she was or wasn't aware of at the time it happened.

It makes it easier for a guy like me to not be so concerned about some of the bad things that have happened to me along my journey here on Earth. It has still been a pretty cool ride, all-in-all and I have no intentions of folding up shop before I just can't physically move no more. I will find out what's on the other side, if anything, when the time comes, knowing that I tried to be decent person while I was here. Hopefully, if there is someone there to judge me, I will get an air conditioner in my room rather than a flaming lava pit. Organized religion scares me, always has. Most people's beliefs are based on where they happened to be dropped out of the womb on this planet and who/what they were surrounded by as they grew up.
Think about it.
