Amazing story (WWII)

My grandfather was a WWII veteran, a member of the 130th Illinois Infantry, Service Company. He saw action in New Guinea and helped retake the Phillipines. He never spoke about what he experienced, and I sort of regret not asking him, but it was an unspoken rule in my family that you didn't ask him to talk about it. Considering he had black hair when he left and white hair when he returned, none of us had any problems with this. The most he ever said to me about his service is that he had more seatime in the Army than my dad did in the Navy. He passed away 11 years ago on January 22, 2003. My grandmother, his wife of 62 years, followed 5 months later. I wish they had gotten to see my son, but he's got some pretty awesome guardian angels!

I thank each and every one of you out there who has served our country!