Motor is seated and ready for it first 1/8 mile stomp

I talked to Brian at Imm about it and when he realized i was running a 600 vac sec carb he just laughed at me and told me,Your not running a constrictor plate RACE!!!!

He felt that the plugs were the right heat range and the carb as the problem.

So off came the 600 and my freshly rebuilt 750 double pumper when on. 68 in from 78 in back(power valve in front.)
It needs a smaller power valve, but took it racing any ways. timing is back up to 38 total and plug ground strap burns plating to the bend.

running 8.40 8.50(1/8mile)#-oRealize that i had turn up my shift light i turned it back down and wolah 8.30-8.27

As far as traction gos, if i leave from a idle instead of 2000 stall, it hooks, buy it makes my reaction time real bad. going to have to work on that as well. Maybe i will just start Deep staging:D