Huge tomatoes this year

A plant came up on its own this year next to my garage.

We had decided not to plant a garden because of my health
this year so this plant was a welcome sight. A cantelope plant
also came up. This one plant produced 15 cantelopes.

The tomatoes were huge and there are still 8 or 9 still on
the plant...still green. I have already pulled 7 from the vine.
It has grown to around 6 foot in diameter.

I will get some pics of the plant tomorrow.

Here's a slice on my sandwich I'm eating...and they taste great.

It's larger than the bread and the bread is large.

Tony, just a couple miles east of you by jonesville.

ours got HUGE too. I got over a dozen gallons of cherry tomatoes this summer and we canned 64 quarts of tomatoe juice, that's after we fried some up as green tomatoes and gave a bunch away. I'm not sure what it is, but this year's tomato crop was just outstanding. Banana peppers had a very good year too. We got 5 and 6 pickings of the same plants, usually we get maybe 2. out lettuce didn't amount to crap, neither did our berries.

our cucumbers did awesome as well, we made 9 different types of pickles and relish with over 80 pints of total.