Torn Bicep Tendon

wow, that looks pretty darn bad, get it fixed asap. I torn both of my bicept tenons one year apart two or so years ago. it's amazing what you can and can't do with them now. sometimes the simplest movement causes them to cramp up. I have to stretch them out or turn my wrist down to stop it. I use free weights every day to strengthen them but no bicept curls only reverse and hammer curls every third day and it sure helps a bunch. my theory is it caused be not drinking enough water and/or taking antihistamines.

Bob, just wondering....can you still lift things over your head? Even since mine got snipped off I have to be careful with overhead stuff. Last time I got something off of a shelf in the garage I put my motorcycle helmet on...I have dropped things on my head....

I still have a bone spur in the clavicle joint. Surgeon I see said I have to live with it, with it being where it is located there is nothing they can do. She said if she goes in there to take it out she will solve one problem and create three more....good times...