Torn Bicep Tendon

Ouch !!!
That looks sucky !!!

Tore my Labrum and Rotator at work and if ya did it at work it's a Workman's Comp Claim.
I work for a huge company and they have all this fit for duty crap and then the PITA of dealing with the bureaucracy of a stupid Government agency so it's doctor then X-Rays then MRI then surgery then therapy. Since they have a policy of not allowing machinists to return on light duty I was off for 6 months. Also since I couldn't sleep in the bed with the arm in a sling for six months we had to set up a recliner for me to sleep in.Lots of painkillers and late night black and white movies in Hydrocordone Loopy Land. Careful on these they are very addicting and actually had to Cold Turkey my *** off of them.