Weird speedometer problem

Ok I did a few more runs installing the speedo cable behind the speedometer a few times and still does the same thing so I disconnected it and yanked the core out of the hose and tested my original speedo with the core and drill and ran it full speed and stays a steady 70 mph. Now I did the same thing to one that's already in there and...only goes to 20 mph so I'm just gona yank that one out and install the original one back in even tho the odometer doesn't work.

Who needs a speedo? Lol just a good excuse to get out of a ticket.
Officer: sir is there any reason why your speeding.
Sir: my spedo just broke yesterday and i dont know how fast im going.
Officer: well make sure you get it fixed, by the way nice a body

Lol I wish it was like that! actually I got pulled over in one of my other classic cars not to long ago that I found out it was reading 10 above actual mph and I was going 80 instead of 70 and I explained to the officer I was going by what the speedo said and he gave me a freaken fix it ticket!!