who has the fastest 318 ?!!!

I have a budget started for the 318 rebuild! Of course when I call the machine shop
they said "why do you want to build a 318 for drag racing? !" lol personal preference
i told them. i want the fastest 318! I've read the articles on the 400 HP 318's and I'm
skeptical to say the least. On this thread I will list the cost and combo's I will use. And
of course the ET results! :) please remember I'm not some fancy shop that has a 273 steel
crank sitting on the back shelf that I'm going to use. everything I use I will have to find pay for or do without.I will not have an unlimited budget with the team of machinist and a big dyno machine trying to make everything work perfect.this will be like me and you put it together in my garage and making it happen at the drag strip! you know real pride stuff? what convinced me I must do this on my own is the machine shop when he said that I should give them a bunch of money and let them do it and put my name on it. !? now with my high school auto shop teacher Mr kingham be looking down on me with pride right now if I did that? I think not! I will do him proud! like al bundy had four touchdowns in one game in high school I took 2 years of auto shop in high school I can do it! Lol