
Thanks for the kind words, Geof!

I got two coats of black on the dash frame and the 2 steering wheel collars. I want to do another coat on the dash before shooting the clear so, more black tomorrow....which is fine as I hope to get the steering tube sanded down tonight so it will be ready in the morning for some paint of its own.

The radio needs more time in the sun. I've actually sprayed the crapola out of it with ammonia but it remains a tad stanky. You all would have cringed if you could've seen me running scalding hot tap water through it at the kitchen sink but...this old radio is more mechanicals than electronics so I don't really think any damage was sustained. I succeeded in removing a lot of built up fuzz and debris and took advantage of the New Mexico sun and 15% humidity to effect a rapid dry-out. More UV and more ammonia are in its future until it smells like.......nothing. But I'll say again: if it doesn't work, I really don't care. All I need it to do is light up at night, fill the hole in the dash, and not make my wife sick. Not asking too much, here.