did some welding now no start condition.

ive done buttloads of welding on my mopars only removing the positive battery cable and not once have I ever had it effect the electronics of my cars.
Maybe it was my unlucky day an it went out coincidently after I did some welding and I am just linking it to the welding. I don't know.. I am not even sure if that's the problem for sure at this point. I've never had a old car with electronic distributor that had one of those boxes go out so I really don't know how it would act if it did go out.
With it starting randomly and not running real well or not wanting to stay running I am kinda leaning towards the orange box. But really not sure. The car ran fine before I did the work. Tomorrow I will crawl under the car and see if there's anything I may have messed up while I was under the car. I was just a little anxious to take it out and drive it when I got done welding in the sub frames to see what kind of changes it made to the ride. I'm hoping it's just something simple that I am just over looking. Thank You..