Am I the only one?

74dusted you nailed it. Cool ride you got there.
I am a 100% no compromise agreement with the OP on this topic.
I am into the way I remember them when I was growing up in the 70s.
I do not go as far as the shag carpet in my cars but would before a single
modern style part was installed. I just refuse to put something out of era on any of my cars.
I am proud of the fact that a person could look my cars over top to bottom, front to rear and
not come up with a part you couldn't get back in the early 70s.
If you say you can't find the parts to make it old school like you like
and use something else that was better and modern. I think you didn't
look hard enough.
I also know that to each their own. Their is room for all of us. I just don't
pay no mind to the stuff that doesn't interest me.
So to the OP you are not alone out there with your old school mopars.
I am kind of surprised myself how many showed up here. I would guess most of us
are 50 & older. I'm sure we are the minority.

I agree. (Except I'm in my mid 20's)

My '73 was the car that started my love of A-bodies (and was the reason I bought all my A-bodies). Back then it was my dad's car, and it remained exactly the same from as far back as I could remember, until this year. (Basic Maintenance, like plugs/wires, oil change, etc excluded). In 2012 my dad sold me the car for $500, it looked exactly the same as it did when I was a little kid as it does in the picture I posted of it beside the Pine Trees on my Driveway. He owned that car from 1976 - 2012, it was his first car.

My dad would drop me off at school in it, that nasty .590 Mopar Perf Cam and Solid Motor Mounts made it's presence known, and the massive rear tires that barely fit. It burned an image in my mind of how a mopar muscle car should look.

Every time I start a project, I take a step back and say "I wonder how big of a tire I can fit under the back of it." and "It needs Super Stock Springs." and "Needs a Spool and steep gears." :D