Need help pricing hood

Yeah, I know its all such a hit and miss selling these parts these days. I seen the re-pop hood was around $600 and guys were telling me mine was only worth $3-400? I would think it would be at least re-pop price but I dont want to sit on it forever either because I just dont have the room to store it.

I guess you can price it however you like. If you would have been happy swapping your original hood for the hood you chose as a replacement, you might just want to recoup that cost. The folks willing to pay the most are still most likely to be the ones that can pick it up and avoid shipping costs. If there's a lively Mopar community close to you, they'd be the best ones to target. I'm sure that you've seen a lot of things for sale here on FABO that get snatched up immediately at the asking price while other parts go unsold as people try to whittle down the posted prices. It really is hit and miss.